Wednesday, April 1, 2009

blog banner.

Our design brief was to make a banner for our blog, we had to include the two Stella Maris logos and the theme was nature. The function and importance of my banner was to bring attention to the website and to make it not boring and add colour to it. To develop my idea I looked up pictures of animals on the internet and printed them and then sketched them, scanned it and then worked on it from then. When I first finished my banner, the background colour was blue and purple. Then I realised that the colours on it don’t really match the theme of nature. So I changed the background colour and I also added another text layer. The software I used was Adobe photoshop CS, in this program I used the tools: paint brush (for a textured edge), gradient tool, text tool and transparency. The website is my online blog and it is used for all my work and projects, other people can view it and can see what work I have done.