Sunday, March 28, 2010


The design brief was to design a stationary set for yourself or someone else, the stationary set included a letter head, business and a DL envelope. I produced a letterhead, DL envelope and a business card for an irrigation company. I developed my idea by making the stationary set for an existing company; I made a new logo and a trademark. The Templates we used for stationary are a template for a business card, letterhead and an envelope.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


As a class we designed a different perspective of the alphabet by creating the filling of each letter. I was allocated the letters H, L, X and Z. For the letter H I decided to do “hotdogs”, the reason I chose it was because it was the first thing that came to my head and the letter reminded me of hotdogs. For the letter L I decided to do a lemon tree because the colour yellow would stand out on the back ground of the brown for the tree trunk. for the letter X I decided to do a treasure map because “ X marks the spot” would stand out and make it and contrast with the colours. For the letter Z I chose to do a zebra pattern because I liked the contrast of the pattern and colours. The final alphabet has many different colours, each letter has its own meaning, so that the drawing within it could be linked back to that letter.