Sunday, March 28, 2010


The design brief was to design a stationary set for yourself or someone else, the stationary set included a letter head, business and a DL envelope. I produced a letterhead, DL envelope and a business card for an irrigation company. I developed my idea by making the stationary set for an existing company; I made a new logo and a trademark. The Templates we used for stationary are a template for a business card, letterhead and an envelope.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that you have written again. I was waiting for your next blog, and I have found it at last. You have such a unique style of writing that no one else can replicate you. Can you suggest some online sites where I can gather experience in the field of blogging…how to go about it, and everything else? I came across some marketplaces such as Business Logo Design, freelance jobs online
    . Seems good. I will post my skill and let’s see, I may even become as famous as you. ?
